Medieval Gardens: Tranquil Oases of Purpose & Beauty

Medieval Gardens: Tranquil Oases of Purpose & Beauty

The design of medieval gardens, particularly those found within monastic settings, was shaped by a combination of practical, spiritual, and aesthetic considerations. These gardens were carefully planned to provide sustenance, medicine, and a place for contemplation. Key aspects of medieval garden design included the use of walled enclosures, symmetrical layouts, raised beds, and water features, all contributing to an atmosphere…

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Monastic Gardens: Medieval Europe’s Horticultural Haven

Monastic Gardens: Medieval Europe’s Horticultural Haven

During the Middle Ages, monasteries played a crucial role in preserving and advancing horticultural knowledge. While Europe was experiencing a period of upheaval and decline in the fields of science and art, monasteries stood as bastions of learning, providing a sanctuary for the development and conservation of horticultural practices.1 2 3 4 Monks were responsible for maintaining monastery gardens, which…

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